if u want to kill merki u HAVE to have lightning reflexes also. U need three things to keep him blinded/ unable to hit you. And it doesnt hurt to have a 20/20 blood icon so ur oob recharges faster.
I'm working on green drop rates at this very moment, killing several bosses and keeping track of the drops, so far:
Chkkr 1000 tail 1 green 1 golden item 1 goldenscroll in 12 runs
Chkkr lotus lord 1 green 1 goldenscroll in 6 runs
Xuekao 2 greens 1 rare rune in 9runs
Strongroot 2 greens in 9 runs
Ritualist constr 1 green in 9 runs
Stonereap 1 green 1 golden item 1 goldenscroll in 9 runs
Rajazan 1 golden scroll in 15 runs
Byzzr wingmender 1 golden scroll in 15 runs
Geoffer 1 green 2 goldenscrolls in 15 runs
Lou of the knives 1 green 1 goldenscroll in 15 runs
As I said, I'm still working on it. Will post the percentage of green drops after 30 times farming them I think.
if u want to kill merki u HAVE to have lightning reflexes also. U need three things to keep him blinded/ unable to hit you. And it doesnt hurt to have a 20/20 blood icon so ur oob recharges faster.
I don't use Lightning Reflexes. Never ever use Life Siphon as a toucher.
I use life siphon rarely, because on some bosses it has an odd effect, like they stop using a certain skill, I tend to kill the ritualist construct way more easy with it than without it. But to most bosses, life siphon is a pure waste of energy
Before i tought you got greens only when boss was wielding them but now after many days and years of farming i noticed that is not true. That i was thinking like this is because i got moust of em when boss had em.
Like ppl sad before i got to razjasans sword from him when he didnt had it.
I noticed do that he drops the sword for me always when hes wielding it. Geoffer is imposible , i killed him 60 times i counted then a green shield lol.
Merki is easy to farm just kill the first group on the hill the lure him with longbow.
Som strange happend to me in sorrows., I killed Gargash and he droped 2 bows for me , stinger and recurve.
I think this will kill the myth that boss must wield greens. another example was my friend got Ragos Staff and he didnt have it.